Since I last posted I’ve been very busy: I wrote about Miyazaki’s Urbanism for Strong Towns
Five pieces in The American Conservative: Better Infrastructure, Not More Infrastrucure, about President Biden’s infrastructure plan; Against Master Developers is about, well, master developers; New York Should Have A Congestion Charge; Manufacturing Main Streets is about how cities can encourage manufacturing businesses with looser zoning regulations; and Did NIMBYs Save Cities? offers the daring hypothesis that America’s “superstar” cities like Boston and New York revived in part because suburban NIMBYism forced growth and change to concentrate in the urban core, where people were poorer and less powerful.
My review of Charles Marohn’s Strong Towns: A Bottum-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity appeared in The University Bookman in July.
I started writing for Urban SDK, a smart cities technology company. I have pieces about curb management, transportation equity and the infrastructure bill.